All About Owl Species.

Owls are probably the most interesting birds known for their nocturnal activity and perfect hunting, along with their unique appearances. More than 200 species of owls distributed worldwide speak to the remarkable diversity of adaptations in owls to various habitats. This article is a complete guide to owl species, their characteristics, habitats, and conservation status

Plate 47: Hawk Owl, Schreech

Types of Owls.

Owls belong to a group of birds called Strigiformes, and they are divided into two families:

  • Tytonidae (Barn Owls): These owls have heart-shaped faces and make unique sounds.
  • Strigidae (True Owls): This is a bigger family that includes well-known owls like the Great Horned Owl and Snowy Owl.

Strigidae Owl .

close up photo of an owl
  1. Great Horned Owl Bubo virginianus
    Where it lives: Forest and desert.
    Appearance Large owl with ear tufts and yellow eyes
    Diet: Catches Mammals, Birds, and Reptiles
    Found In: North and South America
  2. Snowy Owl, Bubo scandiacus
    Family: Strigidae

    Where it lives: Arctic tundra
    White feathers with black spots.
    Special Feature: Active at day time during summer.
    Status: Vulnerable
  3. Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia)
    Family: Strigidae

    Where it lives: Grasslands and fields
    Vixen or little owl; small owlet having long legs, bright yellow eyes.
    Special Adaptation: Lives in burrows excavated by others
    Found In: North and South America
  4. Elf Owl (Micrathene whitneyi)
    Strigidae Family

    Where it Lives: Deserts and Dry Forests
    Appearance: Small owl with a brown plumage.
    Diet: Insects and small bugs
    Found In: Southwestern United States and Mexico
    Comparison of Owl Species

Tytonidae Owl.

an owl perched on coconut tree

Barn Owl – Tyto alba
Family: Tytonidae

Where it comes from: Grasslands and farms
Appearance: Heart-shaped face, pale feathers
Diet: Mainly consumes small rodents.
Found on: All continents but Antarctica.

Owls help nature by hunting rodents and keeping their numbers under control. They live in forests, deserts, grasslands, and even cities.

What Makes Owls Special?

Some of the most prominent characteristics that distinguish owls from other birds are:

Night Hunters. Most owls are nocturnal and hunt at night.
They have forward-facing eyes so that they are relatively capable of seeing during nighttime.

Silent Flight: Owls fly silently, allowing them to sneak up on prey.

Loose Necks: They can swivel their necks 270 degrees because of special bones.
Where do owls live?

Long eared owl snow

Where Owl live.

Forests: Owls such as the Barred Owl love forested areas.

Grasslands and Fields: Burrowing owls prefer open areas.

Deserts: Elf Owls also inhabit very dry areas.

Some of the most recognizable owl species along with their characteristics are listed below

What Owl Eat?

Rodents and Small Mammals: Barn Owls primarily feed on mice and rats.

Birds and insects: Some owls hunt insects or take smaller birds.

Fish: Several owls, like the Blakiston’s Fish Owl, prey on fish in rivers.

Different Qualities of Owl.

How Owls Hunt Quietly
Owls have some special features that help them hunt in complete silence:

Soft feathers: These break the wind to make flying quieter.

Different-Sized Ears: This helps them hear better and locate prey.

Sharp Claws: It helps to grasp and hold onto food.
Owls Mating and Rearing of Young

Pairs for Life: Some owls mate with the same partner every year.

Nest in Trees or Burrows: Owls utilize tree holes, burrows, or abandoned nests.

Eggs and Baby Owls: They deposit 2–5 eggs, and the chicks stay with their parents until they can fly.
Threats to Owl Populations
Owls have many dangers lurking in today’s world:

brown owl on tree branch
Photo by Amol Mande on

Threatened owl species.

Loss of Habitat: When trees are cleared, there is less habitat for owls to occupy.

Illicit capture: Humans snatch owls and sell them as pets.

Pesticides: Applied chemicals on the crops may adversely kill the owls’ prey.

Climate Change: Variations in weather conditions affect the living and food-seeking habitats of owls.
Guardian Owls

Owl protection efforts.

Many people and groups are working to save owls:

Habitat Preservation: By protecting forests and grasslands, owls preserve their habitat to live in.
Instruct them: This helps raise public awareness of the significance of owls.
Breeding Programs: Some zoos breed endangered owls to increase the numbers of these groups.
Fewer Chemicals: Using fewer pesticides keeps the prey animals safe. Fun Facts about Owls

Owls can hunt in absolute darkness. Not all owls hunt at night. In fact, the Northern Hawk Owl hunts during the day. Barn Owls commonly stay with one mate for life. Blakiston’s Fish Owl has the widest wingspan of any owl. Conclusion: Owls are fantastic birds: so many types inhabit the entire world. Each species has special skills that enable it to survive in its habitat. However, a lot of owls are under danger from man’s activities; therefore, protecting them is very important. Understanding more about the owls and their habitats will enable us to respect this creature’s place within nature, therefore supporting its preservation for the benefit of future generations.

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